Engage the Senses

Print is certainly not dead.
It offers multi-sensory experiences!

Print isn’t just four-colour ink on plain stock any more. Engaging more and more senses excites audiences and creates uncountable opportunities for brands.

The sense of sight

Of course, most printed products provoke only the sense of sight. In addition to looking at printed products we also read them.

Sight is an emotional sense. A provocative image, a special finish or beautiful typography capture sight by breaking visual standards in your product category.


Allowing consumers have that touch-and-feel moment is something that can’t be replaced by digital channels. In a world that sometimes feels dominated by digital screens, adding depth, texture and dimension to print enhances value for brands. Spreading around easily accessible lightboxes that can be touched or are connected to a music system is a unique opportunity to catch attention through multisensory channels.

Large format

Signage plays an important role in how you represent your brand and how well you encourage interaction. Large-scale printed materials that include high-quality images and engaging text are often the way to go.

When your business has something important to announce, there’s no better way to do it than large format printing. Whether you need to alert of your grand opening or to announce a sale, small signage simply won’t do. Maximum size usually equals maximum impact; when you need to make an impression, it’s time to go big. These large posters, banners, and signs can go a long way in engaging customers.